Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe's show is rescheduled; Colin Benders & Maarten Vos perform tonight

Unfortunately, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe can't perform today due to a cancelled flight. Colin Benders & Maarten Vos will play instead at Hertz, 21:15-22:15.
Rob Lowe's show is rescheduled to tomorrow, Sunday, 12 November at Theater Kikker: 17:30-18:20.
Update 7 November:
Unfortunately, Love Theme have cancelled their entire tour, but we’re excited to have The Ex back at Le Guess Who? this Thursday, performing at EKKO.
The adventurous, innovative Dutch band The Ex have defied categorization ever since their origination in 1979. Born out of the punk explosion, when anything and everything was possible, the band have retained their curiosity and passion for their music, seeking out collaborations with jazz improvisers, Ethiopian performers, and like-minded noise rock explorers. With new music underway, The Ex stand tall as one of the most forward-thinking and tireless bands on the planet.
Update 4 October:
Champagne Superchillin unfortunately won't make it to Le Guess Who? 2017. Instead, Proto Idiot will perform their energetic, catchy tunes at De Helling on Sunday, 12 November, where Insecure Men and Black Lips will plays as well.
Proto Idiot - Real Boy:
Update 4 October:
We regret to inform you that Avey Tare has cancelled his tour dates, including his performance at Le Guess Who? 2017. Houston producer, composer, DJ, and record label owner Rabit will perform at the festival instead.
Here's Avey Tare's personal statement:
"i'm extremely sorry but because of some logistical complications that have come up in the last month I'm going to cancel most of the tour dates in the US and Europe. I am still really excited to play shows for you guys and hope to see you out there and i still hope to get to your home town. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause those who won't be able to see a show. I also deeply appreciate everyone's (who has reached out) concern. No health issues involved here and I'm doing very well infact!"
More about Rabit:
Rabit is the moniker of Houston producer, composer, DJ, and record label owner Eric Burton. He combines industrial, hip hop, noise, and sound collage to foster sonic spaces for the exploration of sexuality, gender, race, embodiment, and injustice. After creating a remix for Björk, he did production work for her upcoming album. Burton is looking for new ways to explore and experience sound, which you can experience at this European debut of his live a/v show.