We're thrilled to let you know that the great Kapitaal, Utrecht's independent print workshop, together with online radio station Stranded FM, will once again host official Le Guess Who? 2023 Hangout on Friday, Saturday & Sunday during the festival.
Find Kapitaal at Paardenveld 5B (behind the palmtree!), where they host live performances, DJ-sets, screenprint sessions, drinks & more. Program below:

Friday, 10 November
12:00 Doors open
13:00 Kelman Duran (DJ-Set)
Multidisciplinary artist Kelman Duran is known for his mixing of organic, atmospheric sounds and highly danceable bangers. For this set in Kapitaal he selected his favourite ambient tracks to slowly wake up and officially open the LGW23 Hangout.
14:00 Luke Cohlen + Tala Drum Corps
Luke Cohlen & Tala Drum Corps are no strangers in the Utrecht dance scene. Both are skilled and exciting DJ’s and deeply involved with our Stranded FM buddies. Individually Tala is producing original dance tunes (BAK records). Luke has his own label for the finest contemporary experimental music (Aural Conduct) and has great dance moves :)
15:00 3Phaz (DJ-Set)
We are very happy to have the Caïro-based 3Phaz in the Hangout. In Kapitaal, the producer will play a handpicked, one-hour concept DJ set, focussing on interesting electronic music coming out of Egypt and the region.
16:00 Kapitaal Records Presents: PIET (Live)
PIET is Jippiet, a Rotterdam based visual artist and musician.
Live improv based on samples and lyrics from the past, present and future.
The project started out as a emotional tribute to the artists artistic, absurdist father.
PIET is developing into an audiovisual project filled with personal stories.
17:00 puurvuur (DJ-Set)
Utrecht based producer puurvuur makes beats that inhabit the spaces between Bass-music, hiphop and club. As a DJ, he is heavily influenced by UK underground and combines tracks with tangible emotion and grit into a danceable high temperature hodgepodge.
18:00 Phelimuncasi (live)
OK, we know it is early in the evening… but did that ever stop you from dancing yourself into an uncontrollable state of madness? The highly infectious polyrhythmic grooves of this Gqom trio from South Africa will turn Kapitaal into a sweaty and filthy Capital of Dance Dance Dance.
Regular Hangout illustrator and Stranded FM founder Stefan Lumpi Starke is an obsessive drawer. Everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of drawings and sketches. For this LGW edition, we asked Lumpi to use his work as pure as possible, straight from the pen, for all used visual media.
Saturday, 11 November
12:00 Doors open
13:00 KapitaalRecords presents: Skunky Beaumont (live)
Skunky Beaumont is an American multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and possible werewolf. Beaumont’s music is heavily influenced by psychedelic experiences and makes use of sonic textures, vocal samples and lyrics relating to consciousness expansion, hallucinations and altered states of awareness. Perfect Saturday early-afternoon material.
14:00 KapitaalRecords presents: Daisy Daisy (DJ Set)
We asked our favorite slimey scuba electropunkers and Kapitaal Records debutants for a DJ-set. (Check their Fairy Liquid EP, it is still for sale in our shop:) What could possibly go wrong?
15:00 KapitaalRecords presents: Lixer (live)
Hyperactive new sounds inspired by the art of hiphop, fueled by the game of capitalism. Chemically processed samples and locally sources loops, squashed, mushed and mixed with honest storytelling by this lovable solo artist.
16:00 Jannah (DJ Set)
Stranded FM resident Jannah digs her way through all kinds of 90’s (mostly) electronic music. For the LGW Hangout, this underground selector prepared a nice and (highly possible) danceable mix for the Saturday afternoon.
17:00 KapitaalRecords presents: Monocorpse (live)
Not on the KapitaalRecords label, but they are big fans. With a rudimentary set of electronic audio-tools, Monocorpse explores various themes of ritual sacrifice. He merges dungeon synth, drone and industrial to create slow, bleak and perpetual electronics, coined as Doomtechno. After three vinyl-only releases on the befriended Enfant Terrible label, he gathered all the dross he had in him to form the Manifestation EP. Out now on the awesome Freedom Club.
18:00 KapitaalRecords presents: Ian Martin (DJ-Set)
Infamous Rotterdam based DJ/Producer and longtime Kapitaal friend Ian Martin will play an undoubtedly dark but highly danceable mix of raw acid and weird disorienting (often self produced) electronics. A worthy closing-act of the second Hangout day. A ten inch vinyl of Ian Martin will be the first release on Kapitaal Records in 2024.
Hattie Stewart is an artist and illustrator based in London. With a vibrant, tongue-in-cheek visual identity, she is a self proclaimed ‘professional doodler’. We wanted to make a print with her for a while now, so it is great to see her colorful, psychedelic style mixed in with todays colorful, psychedelic Hangout program.

Sunday, 12 November
16:00 Doors open
17:00 LGW Presents: Noise Diva x HKU, Kapitaal Take Over
For a newly developed special project, Le Guess Who? collaborates with Utrecht Art Academy’s ‘Music & Technology’ department to produce an experimental showcase, which will be created and presented on Sunday the 12th at the hangout.
Music & Tech students will work together with Yara Said aka Noise Diva on a performance of which the starting point will be their own identity.
Alexa R. Simpson is an artist from Arizona, with a raw signature hand drawn and painted style. She portrays romance, horror, beauty and dispair drenched in a world of nostalgia. It was mad love at first sight for us.