Curated by Jerusalem In My Heart
Having been raised in a religious household, you might not expect Klein's career path started by making droned-out versions of Carly Rae Jepsen songs at open mic nights. It typifies her music though, which is both fun and sonically inventive. She lets her imagination run wild by playfully sampling R&B, noise, gospel, field recordings and soundscapes, while never shying away from pop giddiness amidst her impulsive experimental bursts.

Stream 'Tommy'; Klein's new EP for Hyperdub
Monday Oct 2nd 2017

Read: The Quietus interviews Klein about her new EP and the intensity of her music
Tuesday Sep 26th 2017

Klein announces new EP 'Tommy'
Thursday Aug 10th 2017

FACT interviews London singer and producer Klein
Wednesday Jan 25th 2017
Curated by Jerusalem In My Heart