Ana Frango Elétrico
17:45 - 18:30
Pandora - TivoliVredenburg
Ana Faria Fainguelernt is Ana Frango Elétrico, the Brazilian indie wunderkind whose 2019 album, ‘Little Electric Chicken Heart’, garnered plural accolades and even a Latin Grammy nomination. At the age of 25, Ana has become the poster child for Rio de Janeiro’s budding independent music scene. Still, few shine as bright as Ana, whose blend of chamber pop, rock, samba, and jazz landed them playing alongside names such as Connan Mockasin, and charmed music pundits like Gilles Peterson or Anthony Fantano. Ana also moonlights as a poet and a visual artist, and, in 2020, launched their first book, ‘Escoliose: paralelismo miúdo’.
Venue: TivoliVredenburg
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Photo series: Trailblazing artists of LGW23 by Melanie Marsman & Juri Hiensch
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