Le Mini Who?
Satellite Events (2018)
As a spin-off festival of Le Guess Who?, Le Mini Who? transforms many of Utrecht’s local bars, restaurants, venues and warehouses into improvised venues for (mainly) Dutch underground bands to play, where people jostle for position in low-to mid-capacity locations to catch a thirty-minute set by one of the many promising bands.
This year's 10th Anniversary edition of Le Mini Who? marks the move to a new area: Rotsoord, situated on the edge of the historical city centre. Old industrial heritage such as the warehouses of Pastoe, combined with shiny new housing blocks, turn this area into a perfect next breeding ground for our festival to further explore the edges of our Dutch (underground) music scene and city.
For more information including line up and time schedule visit https://www.leguesswho.nl/utrecht/le-mini-who.