Theater Kikker
Ganzenmarkt 14, 3512 GD
Theater Kikker is a versatile theater with two halls in the city center, specialized in contemporary theater, modern dance and youth theater.
Theater Kikker is located near other festival venues like Slachtstraat Filmtheater, TivoliVredenburg and Stadsschouwburg Utrecht.
Wheelchair accessible: Yes.
Disabled parking space: Yes, there are two disabled parking spaces available. One in front of the entrance of the Town Hall (Stadhuis) and one at Oudekerkhof 11.
Elevator: Yes.
Wheelchair accessible toilet: Yes.
Wheelchair places: Yes, possible by e-mail upon request.
Seating for people who can stand for a short amount of time: Yes, there are seats available.
Assistance dog welcome: See the advice about assistance dogs.
Low-stimulus space: Yes, possible by e-mail upon request.
Induction loop: Yes, possible by e-mail upon request.
Straws available at the bar: Yes.
Use of strobe light: There is a possibility that the artist uses strobe light. If you want more information, please send us an e-mail with the name of the artist of your preference and we will check this.
For more information:
Photography: Jelmer de Haas