Hof van Cartesius
AddressVlampijpstraat 94, 3534 AR
Hof van Cartesius is a unique circular workspace for mor than 100 makers and entrepreneurs. It is a breeding ground for new talent, an attraction for experimentation and a meeting place for the local community.
Wheelchair accessible: Not all spaces at Hof van Cartesius are wheelchair accessible. Loods, Warmoes, Boomtoren, and most open studios are wheelchair accessible, the Dakzaal / Daktuin is not wheelchair accessible.
Disabled parking space: No.
Elevator: No.
Wheelchair accessible toilet: Yes, at the Loods (nr. 94) and Buurman (nr. 84).
Wheelchair places: No.
Seating for people who can stand for a short amount of time: Yes.
Assistance dog welcome: Yes.
Low-stimulus space: No.
Induction loop: No.
Straws available at the bar: No.
Use of strobe light: No.