Centraal Museum
AddressAgnietenstraat 1, 3512 XA
Centraal Museum is the oldest municipal museum in the Netherlands. It’s a world-class museum that is strongly rooted in the city of Utrecht. The museum’s mission is to enrich the public through art and culture. Their rich collection of visual arts, design, fashion and city history always forms the starting point for their exhibitions and activities. The collection enables them to present visitors with new perspectives that are often relevant to present-day developments.
Wheelchair accessible: Yes.
Disabled parking space: Yes, there are two parking spaces for disabled visitors on Nicolaaskerkhof, next to the museum.
Elevator: Yes.
Wheelchair accessible toilet: Yes.
Wheelchair places: Yes.
Seating for people who can stand for a short amount of time: Yes.
Assistance dog welcome: Yes.
Low-stimulus space: No.
Induction loop: No.
Straws available at the bar: Yes.
Hidden Disabilities: Centraal Museum recognizes the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Keycord in which the person who wears it can discreetly point out that they need extra support, help or more time.
Wheelchair accessible: Yes.
Disabled parking space: Yes, there are two parking spaces for disabled visitors on Nicolaaskerkhof, next to the museum.
Elevator: Yes.
Wheelchair accessible toilet: Yes.
Wheelchair places: Yes.
Seating for people who can stand for a short amount of time: Yes.
Assistance dog welcome: Yes.
Low-stimulus space: No.
Induction loop: No.
Straws available at the bar: Yes.
Hidden Disabilities: Centraal Museum recognizes the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Keycord in which the person who wears it can discreetly point out that they need extra support, help or more time.
Photography: Juri Hiensch