AddressPauwstraat 13A, 3512 TG
BAK - basis voor actuele kunst is a base for art, knowledge, and the political. BAK is committed to the notion of art as a public sphere and a political space, and provides a critical platform for aesthetico-political experiments with and through art. BAK brings together artists, thinkers, and other members of the precarious classes to imagine and enact transformative ways of being together otherwise.
BAK is located near other festival venues like EKKO, Theater Kikker and BASIS.
Wheelchair accessible: Yes.
Disabled parking space: No.
Elevator: No.
Wheelchair accessible toilet: Yes.
Wheelchair places: Yes.
Seating for people who can stand for a short amount of time: Yes.
Assistance dog welcome: See the advice about assistance dogs.
Low-stimulus space: No.
Induction loop: No.
Straws available at the bar: Yes.
Photography: BAK - basis voor actuele kunst.